Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Lateral Violence

Lateral violence is term that has been used for years to describe aggression amoung nurses.  This agression may be verbal or nonverbal and is believed to be caused by a number of factors including gender related issues, years of oppression in a male dominated profession, and generational differences to name few.  The effect of lateral violence may lead to decreased job satisfaction, personal depression, high turn over rates, and decreased patient outcomes. Lateral violence is a problem that continues to exist in to the present.  What expereince do you have with lateral violence in the workplace and what are some suggestions as to how we can elimiate or decrease this issue.

Stanley, K. M. (2010). The high cost of lateral violence in nursing. Retrieved from  http://www.nursingsociety.org/STTIEvents/LeadershipSummit/Documents/The%20High%20Cost%20of%20Lateral%20Violence%20in%20Nursing_Stanley_4-24-2010.pdf

Please view the video on Lateral Violence and share your thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry!
    Had to find you again after clicking on the link:)
    You may want to consider embedding the video or having links open in another window...just some thoughts to keep visitors on your page.
