Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Thought for the day: How are you perceived as a nurse preceptor?

Mentor, educator, confidant, resource, leader...these are adjectives to describe the nurse preceptor.  Nursing orientees look to their nurse preceptors for answers and support.  However, the way you are perceived may affect the educational experience of the orientee. Nurse preceptors who are perceived as uncommunicative or negative may not facilitate open communication or meaningful learning within the clinical environment.  
Think about your past interactions as a preceptor.  Were you kind, open, understanding, and mentoring to your student or new employee?

Bott. G., Mohide, E. A., & Lawlor, Y., (2011). A clinical teaching technique for nurse preceptors: The five minute preceptor. Journal of Professional Nursing, 27(1), 35-42. Retrieved from

Eley, S. M. (2012). The power of preceptorship. RNJournal. Retrieved from

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